April 01, 2017

The future of humans

 Of all the burning science questions, one is "What is the future of humanity?" There is a theory from "All Tomorrow", a story written and illustrated by C.M. Kosemen. According to his story, a long time ago, people invaded Mars and colonised there. First, they made oceans using the water from comets. Then they sent microbes to create breathable air, then introduced genetically modified plants and animals. It was only after Mars was transformed into a habitable world that the first people came to Mars, in colony ships. The people of Mars developed their own culture. They were called Martians. Soon, the Martians and the people on the Earth engaged in a war. A large-scale colonization initiative is carried out by genetically engineered humans throughout the galaxy.Humans then encounter, a malevolent and superior alien race called the Qu. The Qu's religion motivates them to remake the universe through genetic engineering. A short war follows in which humanity is defeated. The Qu bioengineer the surviving humans as punishment into a range of exotic forms, many of them unintelligent. They are left to evolve on their own as the Qu leave the galaxy. The bioengineered humans range from worm-like humans to insectivores and modular and cell-based species. The book follows the progress of these new humans as they either go extinct or regain sentience in wildly different forms and gradually discover that the Qu experimented on them.

One race eventually replaces their bodies with mechanical forms. They now call themselves the Gravitas. The Gravital colonize the rest of the galaxy, while annihilating most life within it. They are, themselves, destroyed by the Asteromorphs, the descendants of the human species who escaped experimentation by the Qu. The final chapters of the book detail humanity's rebound as a posthuman species, and their first contact with another galaxy's life, concluding with the rediscovery of Earth and a picture of the alien author of the book, holding a billion-years-old human skull telling us that all human species have vanished for unknown reasons.


Source: Wikipedia

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