January 13, 2021

Love is the best thing we do!

 Love is the best thing we do. Is it really true? The common answer is “Yes”. But like everything else, it varies from person to person. Some people tend to think more with the brain than the heart and some do the opposite. But one thing is quite agreeable that, love changes people drastically.

Why does love change people? Are people who fall in love weak or lack self-confidence? The answer is, people, try to cope up with the person they fall in love with. There is a concept of compatibility which is very popular nowadays. People crave compatibility while what matters the most is “LOVE”. I personally believe, if a person loves another truly, then nothing is needed to make them happy. Compatibility is a myth. 

People are so busy to match the compatibility, what if the couple makes sense or not. But love doesn't make sense at all. Someone can't make their way in or out of it. Love is totally nonsensical and one has to get used to the nonsense. Love makes us stay all night or watch the sunrise together sometimes to accept some so-called stupidities but but the truth is, in our life, everything we do is somehow in a way to be more loved.

People like a comfortable place. That is surely true. But when it comes to a person, we always try to find the comfort we experience while sitting in a chair, but the fact is, the comfort of a sofa or chair is a lot more different than a person. Some couples do make sense and some don't. That doesn't mean the love  they share isn't true. 

Love is pure. It can't be quantified by efforts or comfort. If comfort was the best thing we look for, then why we don't buy a sofa worth of 10 thousand dollars? We don't because, that's costly and not worth it. In case of love, we seek comfort for sure. But that needs to be worth it. 

Comfort and compatibility are two very much different things. Comfort is a state of mind where we can be ourselves while compatibility is matching with someone's energy. It's not very common but really rare. Compatibility or comfort is needed undoubtedly. But here comes the cost factor. Someone can't buy the love in exchange of comfort and compatibility. 

Sometimes we do fall in love with a person, who is not compatible or right person for us. But in most cases, love is something that outgrows everything in it's way. Although sometimes, compatibility becomes a great factor but in cases, love outgrows everything. 

The bottom line is, love is a complex thing to understand. One can spend it's entire life to understand what is love or how to show it or express it or anything associating with love. But at the end of the day, we all seek for that one person, who is right for us, destined for us. Who is the gift of destiny. 

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